Use Dynamic Views and Your Template Simultaneously on your Blogger Blog

This is a cool trick I discovered today while browsing one of my friend's blog. You can view and present your blog and posts in Blogger's Dynamic Views templates without actually replacing or modifying your current template in a couple of steps with this super simple yet effective trick.

What are Dynamic Views?

Dynamic Views is one of the preinstalled templates on Blogger which are provided to your when you create a blog on the Blogger platform. These templates are free to use but sometimes just are not that attractive as you need your blog's template to be; and that's why you change your template. While these templates are not that visually attractive or customizable, these are still very dynamic and light. You can use both your own Blogger template or any other template and these seven Dynamic Views template simultaneously on your blog with the following trick.

How to See Your Blog in Dynamic Views?

To see your blog and its posts in Dynamic Views, you just need to add two words and two slashes (/) after your domain. These are
Just replace the <dynamic_view> with one of the following words: classic, flipcard, magazine, mosaic, sidebar, snapshot, timeslide and hit enter. You must have got that whatever word you place in this place, you will view your blog in the respective dynamic views templates. The following are the links to WeboGraffiti's homepage with Dynamic views template. If you still didn't get what you have to do, just replace with your own blog's link in the following links and visit them. 

Tip- You can put a link on your blog for your visitors to view it in these templates too. This way they'll be seeing your blog in both your native template and Dynamic Views.

How to Make Dynamic Views Primary and Another Secondary Template of Your Blog?

You might also want to make Dynamic Views your default landing template and provide a link to your other template on your blog. You can do this easily too. Here are the steps:
  1. Go to Settings > Search Preferences > Errors and Redirection > Custom Redirects
  2. Click on New Redirect
  3. In the "from" field, just add a slash (/).
  4. In the "to" field, add the same two words and slashes as shown above.
    For example if you want to make the classic view as your default, add "/view/classic" (without quotes) in your "to" field.
  5. Click on save.
This is it. Now you can provide a link to your blogger homepage to navigate your visitors to your native theme, they will land on the Dynamic View template.

This is all in this quick post. Stay tuned for more tech updates, tips and tricks. Thanks.
