This post describes a free service which you can use to make money online if you have a blog with some considerable amount of visitors. By following this guide, not only you'd be able to make a decent amount of money, but this would also be beneficial to your blog as this will help in its promotion and engage more visitors in it. Read on...
What are Sponsored Giveaways?
To promote their products, many organizations and companies conduct giveaways at various websites. These companies are always searching for new websites to promote and conduct a giveaway. A giveaway might be some free products, software, web space and all sorts of things your visitors would be interested in. By following the below steps you can invite companies to conduct giveaways on your website in exchange of some amount of money depending on the popularity and reader base of your blog.What you get?
You get a handsome number of things by conducting a sponsored giveaway on your website.
- Firstly, since the giveaway is sponsored, you get a decent amount of money for conducting the giveaway for a certain amount of time.
- You get more new unique visitors to your blog as people would be interested in getting free stuff.
- You can apply certain conditions for participating in the giveaway such as "follow us on facebook". Whatever condition you apply, the participants follow them, so you can get likes on your facebook page, twitter followers, blog post comments, email subscribers and much more.
How to host a Sponsored Giveaway?
I am sharing one easy method of hosting sponsored giveaways on your website through Here are the steps:
- Sign up as a Blogger on by following this link.
- After confirming your email, click on "Add Blog" on your dashboard.
- Fill in the information about your blog in the form that will follow.
- Keep a minimal but decent price for giveaways on your blog according to its popularity.
- Wait for your blog to get approved.
This is it. Once your blog gets approved, you will start getting invitations from companies to host giveaways on your site. Once you have enough money on your account, you get paid.
There are still many traditional ways to host a sponsored giveaway. You can host on Rafflecopter or PunchTab and ask for money from the sponsoring company through a bank transfer, Paypal, cheque or any other payment method.
Possible Risks?
You might get in trouble if you do not keep the following in mind:
- Giveaways are blog posts which get indexed by search engines. If you post too much giveaway posts frequently on your blog, search engines might punish you for too much sponsored content.
- Always choose a safe method of payment. Keep all the proofs and evidences and fill all the specifications carefully so that if you get in any money related trouble, you can resolve it easily.
- Check carefully the requirements of the company and approve the giveaway only if it is not harming your blog. For example, a company might ask you to add links which may be low in quality or not relevant to your blog and can harm it eventually.
Don't be afraid, these are just general guidelines. Host your giveaway proudly. This is all in this post. I hope you liked it. If you get a giveaway, don't forget to comment and let us know. Thanks for reading.
very nicely written and it very helpful for me.
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