How to Disable in Built Apps on Your Android Device

Your Android device may contain many in built apps which you don't need in your daily life. These apps keep flashing in your Android menu, eat up your memory and may also annoy you by giving unwanted push notifications. You can disable these apps in some super simple steps explained in this post.

Disable in built apps in Android

What are in-built apps?

In built apps are those android apps which are provided by the company which has manufactured your android device or by Android itself by default. Some of these apps occupy memory in your device, some annoy you with push notifications and some are just kept on your device when you don't need them at all. Many of these apps cannot be uninstalled. For example, if you don't need Google Talk, you cannot uninstall it on many devices. AndroGraffiti shows how to disable these apps so that you don't get them anywhere in your device but still they can be enabled anytime without installing again.

How to disable apps?

  1. Go to "Settings" from the menu.
  2. Tap on the "Apps" option under the "Device" submenu.
  3. From the four tabs above the apps list, tap on "All".
  4. Find the app you need to disable, for example, I have found "Sound Recorder" in the below image.

  5. Tap on the name of the app you want to disable.
  6. In the next screen. Tap on "disable".
This is it. Your disabled apps will be seen in the bottom in this menu from where you can re-enable them using the same steps.
Disabled Android Apps
 This is all in this post. I hope that you would have liked it. This was the first post on AndroGraffiti. Stay tuned to get more Android tips and tricks.


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