Update your facebook status via fake gadgets

This is a simple facebook trick shared by HackTabs. When you update your facebook status with a gadget, the name of that gadget is shown below the status. For example, when you update your facebook status with an android based gadget, the status is posted with "via Android" below it. With this trick, you can update your facebook status via a gadget you don't actually own. It can be used to make a fool out of your friends (I just did. ). You can either use the API key of a device to update status or you can use applications which can update your status with a fake gadget's name.

How to update status via any gadget

  1. Click the links given below with respect to the device mentioned.

  2. Enter your status update.

  3. Click Post.

  4. Check your profile and brag!

Device Name [Using Device API Key]

Device Name [Using Application]

Another Method

Another method to perform status updates via gadgets that you don’t own is by using Firefox and an Addon named User Agent Switcher.

This is just a small fun trick which can be used to fool your friends into believing you have some of the latest gadgets. If you liked this trick, you can bookmark this page for easy access to the links.

by Piyush Shrivastava

Read More about Facebook


  1. Thanks Piyush To Post Such A Nice trick.But this way is not safe as you have to give permission to these apps to access your information before it`s usage that`s why most of the users don`t love it.I have found a new website giving the same trick but differently.No need of accepting any app permission or anything.Just click and update.
    So easy and fast.You can even place requests for your via for free
    Visit http://www.updateviaz.com

  2. Giving permissions to random apps is not a smart this to do - true. But the way you suggested is already mentioned in this post. See updates using api keys. Your way and this way are the same. :)
    Thanks for commenting.

  3. yaa...you are right.but you have given a way to post status on your wall ..do you know a way to post on your friends wall with this trick?

  4. 2weeks na to. Tsaket tsaket pa rn. :/

  5. Yes my friend. Google your query and you'll find the tricks. http://www.google.co.in/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en...
    This might help.


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